Mechanical Ventilation

Supply of fresh air and extraction of stale air

Ventilation for air quality

Mechanical ventilation systems maintain indoor air quality by the supply and circulation of fresh air and the extract of stale air. The extraction of moisture and indoor air pollutants are all important factors in maintaining high indoor air quality.

Heat Recovery

A Mechanical Ventilation Heat Recovery (MVHR) system is centrally located and ducted to each wet room. It is known as a balanced ventilation system, which continuously draws air into and out of a building thus removing the requirement for background ventilation. The heat recovery unit is an air-to-air heat exchanger recovering up to 95% of otherwise wasted heat from the extracted air and transferring it to the incoming air, providing 95% ‘free heating’ of incoming fresh air. MVHR units are flexible on control protocols so can be boosted manually or automatically during periods of high occupancy to adhere to the requirements of Approved Document F Ventilation and are the most energy efficient means of whole building ventilation.

De-centralised Extract

De-centralised Mechanical Extract systems are low energy mechanical fan units, primarily designed for drawing moisture out of wet rooms, kitchens, utility rooms, and sanitary accommodation. They are generally individual in-line acoustic extractor fans, which are whisper quiet and highly efficient, and highly flexible on integration with other services, operating either on-demand or continuously. Minimum extraction rates should comply with Approved Document F Ventilation requirements for individual rooms and whole dwelling ventilation rates.

Centralised Extract

A Centralised Mechanical Extract system consists of a centrally located extraction unit, with ductwork to multiple extraction points in bathing and utility spaces extracting moisture and stale air usually providing a more efficient system than individual extract fans. This system provides extraction only but may include humidity and CO2 sensors to automatically boost the fan speed during increased occupancy. Replacement air is drawn through window vents or wall ventilators – which must be provided to comply with Approved Document F Ventilation – or as free air from the wider property.


Controls and Monitors

Control and monitoring systems provide overall control of the mechanical equipment through intelligent user interface.

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Case Studies

Channel Islands I

A Georgian mansion, once the home of the Commander of the Garrison with stunning views over the Channel and Northern France.

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